The products, our strength: Rapid Tests, Point of care (FIA – LF – Clinical Chemistry), OTC-Autonalysis.
The constant contact with manufacturers and the particular attention to the evolution of the market give IVY Diagnostics the opportunity to supply a product portfolio offering cutting-edge technologies and cost-effective solutions.
Our catalog is one of the most complete on the market, including CE-IVD certified tests, approved by FDA 510 (k) and used in Occupational Medicine, Laboratories, Hospitals, Clinics, Forensic Medicine, Toxicology, and Military Forces.
DP-H10: automatic POCT hematology analyzer, the first with the integrated CBC+CRP+SAA disposable reagent kits, with the option of choosing only the test for CBC or CBC+CRP. …
easyFIATM: immunofluorescence analyzer, IVY brand POCT capable of giving answers on semi-quantitative/quantitative tests in less than 15 minutes on 5 different types of sample such as: whole blood, serum, plasma …
easyTOXTM The smart DOA cup reader: an instrument, born in Italy under the brand name IVY Diagnostics for the analysis of drugs of abuse by urine sample using Cups for: Occupational Medicine, Laboratories, Private clinics …
FlurolitTM Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer (FIA): immunoassay analyzer using fluorescence enzymatic detection system. This is a new generation of POCTs …
ABSOL ™ READER: POCT device for the automatic incubation, fluorimetric reading and interpretation of results through rapid microfluidic immunofluorescence tests …
POINT CARE M4 is powerful and light (only 2.2 Kg.) The M4 provides reliable diagnostic results: intelligent innovation for an efficient and accurate medical experience for Healthcare professionals …
ACRO™ LF READER, introducing ACROTMLF Reader (Lateral Flow Reader), is committed to bring innovative solutions, combining the ease of use of rapid tests with the power of modern electronics…
Lipid Profile Azalizer – compas 2800: an instrument for quantitative lipid profile analysis on the following parameters: Triglycerides, Glucose, HDL, HDL-C, On the following sample types: Whole blood, Serum, Plasma …
Urine analyzer intended for use in conjunction with dedicated urine sticks, for semi-quantitative determination of the following parameters: Ascorbic Acid, Birilubin, Blood, Glucose, Ketones, Creatinine …..
miniiSED® is the latest Erythrodesedimentation Rate (VES) Analyzers from ALCOR Scientific Inc.
iSED® is the latest addition to the ALCOR family of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (VES) analyzers from ALCOR Scientific.